Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Final Picturebook Project

Activity Guide: Image Analysis & Picturebook Review

Revisions noted:
            After many trials and errors I screenshot my picturebook that I made with Storybird and used PowerPoint to create a picturebook with sound.  I initially used Slideshare to upload and embedd my presentation but after posting it and it not having sound I knew there was a problem!   Dr. Lindstrom advised me to use AuthorShare and now all my sounds are working properly.  I thought this was a really neat idea and I'm glad I used PowerPoint so I could incorporate different sounds to accompany my pages/slides of my picturebook.  I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My Picturebook

1. Identify the image that in your opinion is the most effective in developing the story as a whole and explain why it was effective. Did the image and written narrative interact in a way the created irony, metaphor and/or metonymy?

I feel the image that is the most effective in developing the story as a whole is the first photo where the mother, father, and child are laying on the bed together with the baby in the center.  The text accompanying the image is “Life is given to each human being.”  It made me think about how sometimes children are planned and sometimes they are not, but that we are given this gift of life to love, appreciate, take care of, and parent whether the baby was planned or not!

3. Explain how two or more elements in the illustration help support and develop the story.

I feel that this photo represents the metaphor of life being given to each human being.  The parent’s expressions look a little surprised and unsure of what to do.  So many parents have these expressions with their first child especially if they've never experienced caring for an infant! 

4. Identify two elements that are repeated throughout a majority of the images. Explain how these elements support the story.

Two elements I emphasized with the images I included were the love a mother has for her child and the importance of family and doing things together.  A mother has a love for her child that is indescribable.  I thought the image of the mother and child was a good representation of the text “For a very special purpose.”  The other images were ones with father, mother, and their child together.  These photos were a representation of family and indication that each human being has to find out for themselves.  Life is often what we make of it!  We determine the purpose we have in life and the love we show for others, which in turn regulates the happiness in our lives. 

Weekly Reading 7 - Picturebook Review

Hot on the Scent by Peter Lind


1. The text of a children's book is usually organized into simple sentences and short paragraphs. How is the text organized in the book that you have chosen to review? Explain whether this organization was sufficient for the story that this book is telling.

            I chose a wordless picturebook to review.  Since there are no words to read aloud, additional time must be provided for students to explore the images in greater detail (Serafini, pg. 112, 2014).  There isn’t any text organization within the book other than on the cover page.  Reading the title and any information provided on the book jacket or author-illustrator note can help students prepare for the visual narrative within (Serafini, pg. 112, 2014). 

2. Children's book authors often employ literary tools to help make the story more vivid in the readers minds. Commonly used literary tools are rhythm, alliteration, repetition, refrains, onomatopoeia, simile, personification, rhyme, and imagery. Identify three different areas in the text where a literary tool has been employed. For each example you identify, state the type of literary tool that is used and how the employment of the tool helps support the story.

Repetition- The little mouse’s picture is on every one of the stories pages, and he is repeatedly faced with obstacles along his trail of tracking where exactly this good aroma is coming from.

Personification- The mouse is portrayed as a human wearing clothing, having a wife and kids, and sitting at a table eating dinner with his family.

Imagery- This is what this story is all about, pictorial images.  The 27 images are sequenced to tell a story even without words.  The images illustrate that the little mouse is “Hot on the Scent” and it turns out to be aroma of his wife cooking dinner.

3. Identify two areas in the text that use a question or other device to help move the reader to the next page.

 There isn’t text in the story but the pictures lead you to wonder what will happen next.  Such as, when the mouse almost falls off the rocks and is stopping on his heels.  Does he stop or did he fall?  It makes you curious to flip the page!


1. Some picture books have an image on the front cover that presents the main conflict or point of the story. Identify two or more elements from the front cover of the book you are reviewing and explain how they relate to the story.

 The front cover has the main character of the story, a mouse, sitting on a rock.  This tells me that maybe the mouse is hot on the scent for some acorns since he’s holding one, or possibly something is hot on the scent for him?  The background looks like the mouse is out in the wilderness so it makes me curious to what scent the mouse smells or what smells him?

2. What is the primary medium (collage, drawings, photographs, etc.) used in the images?

 The primary medium used in the story was drawings.  All of the images used were drawn by Bente Bech.

3. Identify the image that in your opinion is the most effective in developing the story as a whole. Explain how two or more elements in the illustration help support and develop the story. If you can, insert a screenshot of the image into your blog.

 I think the third image in the story is the most effective in developing the story.  The mouse almost falls off a rock cliff and has to figure out a way across.  He chews down a tree and makes his way across.  I think this shows he is very determined to find where exactly this scent is coming from.

4. Identify two elements that are repeated throughout a majority of the images. Explain how these elements support the story. If you can insert a screenshot into your blog.

 The mouse is continually faced with challenges and obstacles throughout the story.  He almost falls off a cliff, he falls in a mole’s hole, he almost gets scooped up by a shovel, eaten by a vulture, caught by a cat, washed down a waterfall, and caught in a spider’s web.

5. Find an example of how the images and text work together to create irony,metaphor and/or metonymy. If you can insert a screeenshot of the image into your blog.

I think the mouse crawling up the cat’s tail and back would be classified as irony.


1. What is the easily identifiable dominant trait of the story's main character?

 He is a very intelligent and determined mouse.

2. Identify a character trait of the main character that is established through the text.

 There isn’t text to establish and identify any character traits of the mouse.

3. Identify a character trait of the main character that is established through the images.

 The images establish that he is a husband and father of mice that live in the roots of a tree.

4. Identify two character traits of the main character that young children identify or sympathize with.

By the expressions on his face in a lot of the images he is scared.  Children can relate to being scared in uneasy situations.  Also, he is happy when he gets home to his family.  Children can relate to being happy when they are at home with their families.

5. What was the main problem that the main character faces in the book? How is this problem similar to a problem that most children have faced before?

 The main problem of the story was all the obstacles the mouse faces trying to find where the scent was coming from.  Sometimes children are chased and scared.  Sometimes children are frightened by birds, cats, and water.  The little mouse makes it home and is happy to see his family.  Most children are happy to get home and see their families!

6. Sometimes a children's book character will solve the main conflict on his or her own. How did the character in the book you selected turn to self-reliance to solve the main conflict of the story?

The mouse ran fast, chewed down trees to cross over the deep trench, and ran away from a vulture and a cat to save himself to get to find out the scent he had been tracking was his wife cooking him and his children dinner!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Analyzing Visual Images and Design in Picturebooks

Begin by considering the format of the images and their placement in the picturebook.

We walked home in silence.

  1. Where is the text located? Within the image? Separated by borders or white space, Why?
The text is located to the right of all the images separated by white space.  I feel the author did this so he didn’t distract the reader from the images and animation.
  1. Are the illustrations double page spreads, single page images, collages, overlapping images, or portraits?
The illustrations are double page spreads with the image on the left and the text on the right.
  1. Consider the series of images in the picturebook. Do the images change over the course of the book? Do they get bigger, smaller, change?
The size of the images stay about the same throughout the course of the book the only I noticed that changed with each voice was the format of the text. 
Select an image from Voices In The Park to consider. Use the following questions to guide your analysis.  Take a Screen Shot of the Image and embed the image in your blog. 

  1. What is fore-ground and in the background?
The fore-ground is Charles, his mother, and their dog walking out of the gate at the park.  The background is the park, trees in the park, and the city at a distance.
  1. Consider the path your eyes follow as you approach the image. What catches your eye first? Why is that element salient?
The lady in the red hat and blue coat walking the dog catches my eye first.  She is colorful and very noticeable.  The tracks from her boots also lead a trail to her which guides your eyes to focus on her and the dog.
  1. What colors dominate the image? What effect does this have on you as reader?
I think green dominates the image for the most part.  It creates a warm feeling of the park and sense that it may be summer when everything is still alive and has leaves.

  1. Consider the use of white (negative) space. Are the illustrations framed or full bleed? How does this position you as a viewer?
Most of the illustrations are full bleed.  There are a few that have a frame.  I think it doesn’t hold my focus to the picture being full bleed.  It lets my eyes wonder on the page and see not only the image but the text as well.

  1. What is the reality value or level of abstraction? Are the images life-like or stick figures?
The images are life-like to a certain extent.  The picture of the park is realistic but monkeys wearing clothing, shoes, hats, and walking dogs isn’t very realistic.
  1. Are there any recurring patterns in the images?
I think everything in the background seems to have a round shape.
  1. Are there any anomalous elements? Things that stick out, or seem out of place? Are these important to consider?
The two tall city buildings in the background kind of stick out and seem a little out of place.  These may be important to consider since Smudge seems to be from the opposite side of town and lives in the city.  They are in the background of her dad walking her to the park and are very close up in those images.
  1. What is the artist trying to get you to look at through leading lines, colors, contrast, gestures, lighting?
I think by the lighting it looks like it is about sunset on a summer or possibly fall day with the trees being an orange color and drew tracks to follow Charles’ mother to bring the focus to her walking the dog out of the park.
  1. Are there any reoccurring symbols or motifs in the images?
I do not see any reoccurring symbols or motifs in the image.
  1. Consider the style or artistic choices? Are they appropriate, and how do they add to the meanings of the picturebook?
I think the artists choices of monkeys being humanistic is a little silly but may be interesting and entertaining to a younger audience.  The rest of the images seem appropriate and carrying meaning if monkeys really did act and talk as humans.

  1. How are the images framed? Are there thick borders or faded edges?
Some of the images have a thin line frame, some have none, some have rough uneven edges, and others just have shadows around the image.
  1. Consider the setting of the story. How is this realized in the images? Realistically? Metaphorically?
The setting is at a park for the majority of the story.  Most of the images take place in a park setting.  The park is drawn to look realistic but monkeys talking and taking their kids and dogs to the park is metaphoric.
  1. Consider size and scale. What is large? Why are certain elements larger than others? Does this add to meanings of power, control?
There is a large stone fence with big pillars around the park, a large metal gate at the entrance of the park, and large trees in the background at the park.  I don’t feel they are larger to be powerful or controlling but just to create the scenery of the park setting.
  1. Consider the viewer’s point of view. Do characters directly gaze or address the viewer? Are the characters close up or distanced? How does point of view add to relationships with the characters?

The characters are not looking directly at the viewer.  They are viewed from a side stance.  They are in the fore-ground of the image closest to the viewer.  The point of view could determine the viewer’s idea of importance of the character or assumption of what is going on exactly in the specific image.

Weekly Reading 6 - Voices In The Park

1.      Explain why Voices in The Park is an example of a postmodern picturebook.

Postmodern picturebooks blend visual images and design elements with written language in a cohesive structure that simultaneously unfold in both visual and verbal narratives.  Voices in The Park has animated images that tell the story.  It isn’t just a story though, there are different characters and voices.  In this story each character tells the same story but how it went from their perspective and with their voice.  It was very neat to watch and hear how each story was similar but also how each character had a different viewpoint of how the day at the park went.  The sounds and pictures accompanied as the story was told by the different characters and voices.  It has an artistic style of illustrations and an interrelationship among the various elements that create the energetic aspects of a multimodal ensemble.  I think students of all ages would enjoy reading/watching picturebooks, not just elementary students!

2.      Give examples of how at least three of the picturebook codes listed on pg 78 are used in Voices In The Park.

One example I noticed was codes of position and size.  The character that was telling the story was larger and brought to the front and centered.  When Charles’ mom was telling the story she is large in most of the animated pictures and centered on the bench was her and Charles when they were sitting at the park.

photo from word press

The second example I noticed was when Smudge’s dad was telling the story.  There is a picture of him sitting in a chair with a dark shadow behind him.  This thick shadow I think represents codes of line.  I could almost feel as though he was sitting in a dark room in front of a fire or television with the large shadow of the chair reflecting on the wall behind him.
photo from word press

The third example I found was when Charles was telling the story.  He is standing in the park on the sidewalk watching Albert chase Victoria.  He is again larger and kind of centered in the picture but I believe the code of perspective is represented in this photo.  The dogs and kids playing in the background are much smaller and I could interpret the scene as though he was standing on the side of a hill looking up at the horizon watching everyone have fun.

photo from word press

3.      Identify and explain the type of "interplay" between the written word and visual images on one of the pages in Voices In The Park.

One type of interplay I noticed was the picture/scene where Charles’ mom was telling the story and she said, “We walked home in silence.”  There was enhancing interplay animating the photo because although she says they walked in silence there were birds cowling and her high heels clicking loudly with every step she took.  This is something I wouldn’t have imaged just reading the text myself but with the animations and enhancing interplay it made me think she was just a snooty old lady prancing home.  Who wears high heels to walk their dog to the park?

4.      Identify the art movement or technique that is being used in Voices In The Park. 

The artists seem to draw on techniques and devices taken from folk art surrealism in Voices In The Park.  I feel the images are drawn to a folk art perspective but the animated monkeys are a type of surrealism because they act and talk as if they were human.  They express their feelings and speak English as they are real humans.

5.      Conduct an Ideological Analysis and Structural Analysis of Voices In The Park. What is the message? Provide evidence from the images to support your opinion. Use the examples on pg 86, 87, 89. I do not expect your analysis to be as indepth but I would like for you to make two or three insightful observations about the perspectives and social context conveyed through the books words and images. 

Structural Analysis- There is a mother monkey taking their pedigree Labrador retriever and son Charles to the park.  The lady is dressed in a hat, long dress coat, scarf, and high heel boots.  They leave a nice white two story house.  Does this mean that she is well off because they have a nice home and own a pedigree dog?  Does she have money and dress nicely to show off or is it just cool outside that day?  Is she a single or widowed mother or is her husband just at work?  After listening to her tone and attitude she doesn’t like anyone and thinks others dogs are pests. 

photo from word press

Ideological Analysis- The cover of the story shows trees with a little boy and girl monkey standing together amongst a bunch of trees.  Would this refer to a story about kid monkeys in the park? 

photo from word press

The next photo I refer to is one where Charles and his mother are sitting on the park bench.  She is sitting with her arms crossed, eyes shut, and turned away from the others on the bench.  Would this suggest that she is a rude and snooty woman who is too good to socialize with the others visiting the park?  

photo from word press

The photo of Smudge’s father sitting in the chair by himself at home looks as though he is really sad or depressed.  Maybe he is just watching a sad television show or bored because nothing interesting is on television.  He may even be watching the fire burn in his fireplace thinking to himself.  After listening to his tone and words I feel he’s depressed over not having a job and wants to give up on finding one.

6.      Embed a picture of the cover of Voices In The Park in your blog.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weekly Reading 5

1. Copy and paste a quote from each of the chapters that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.

Both of these changes, from language to image and from page to screen, represent fundamental shifts in how we perceive the world and communicate meanings, and the modes and resources available for representing what we know (Serafini, pg. 30, 2014). 
To me this was just a little reality check.  We have to open our eyes and realize what fast paced world we are living in today.  Our children are going to perceive the world and communicate in ways we never imagined when we were children.  I agree with this statement because we use images to express ourselves, our thoughts, our moods, and others interpret how we are feeling.  I realize more now that we have to not only have to be ready for the shift we have to get on board with the change and be comfortable with this new perception and means of communication within our classrooms and instruction! 

The use of one mode or another is “guided by socially determined intentions and realizes group interests, subjective points of view or ideological stances” (Serafini, pg. 45, 2014). 
                I was a little confused with all the terminology at first.  Modes, multimodal, and multimodality threw me for a loop.  I understand that we post things intentionally targeting specific audiences, for a purpose, and to get our thoughts or feelings across to others.  We aren’t verbalizing our thoughts particularly but using images as food for thought and representation. 

A symbol is not a symbol until someone interprets it as one (Serafini, pg. 62, 2014). 
                I know that when we see certain symbols we automatically relate them to specific places or people.  I suppose I agree that these symbols were meaningless until someone made them a logo, advertisement, or sign to signify representation.   We relate the golden arches to McDonalds, red roses to love, and crosses to Christians.  These symbols have been conventionalized and we make the assumption of the connections and their meanings to one another. 

2. Find an image, symbol or motif and upload it to your blog.

Photo captured from: en.wikipedia.org

3. Conduct a content analysis: 

What do you see?
I see two circles with the letters V and W inside.

What is the image about?
It is an emblem representing the Volkswagen make of automobile.

Are there people in the image? What are they doing? How are they presented?
No, there are no people in the image.

Can the image be looked at different ways? Explain how the image might be interpreted from two diffferent socio-cultural perpsecitves. Which perpective is dominate?
Yes, I think the image could be construed as just a design consisting no letters just lines and spaces.  If I were from a country that did not make or sell Volkswagens I may not know what the symbol meant.  I may think it was a design someone had drawn and it wouldn’t have a meaning to me.  I do know what that symbol represents and I believe that majority of American’s and others across the world where Volkswagen cars are made and sold would be able to tell you what this symbol represented.  So I feel my cultural perspective would be dominate in this case scenario.   

How effective is the image as a visual message.
This image is a visual message.  It signifies to you that this specific automobile with this emblem symbol was made by Volkswagen.  The image has a direct connection to it’s maker.

4. Conduct a visual analysis: Use the Chapter on Elements of Art, Design and Visual composition to assist your visual analysis.

How is the image composed? What is in the background, and what is in the foreground?
The image is composed of circles and lines.  The background is the blue and the foreground is the white.

What are the most important visual elements in the image? How can you tell?
The most important visual elements in the image I would think are the V and W in the inner circle.  I can see those letters just looking at the symbol they pop out to me. 

How is color used?
There are two colors blue and white.  The white is the inner circle and the letters indicating the make of the automobile and the blue is just the contrast color to make it appealing.

Can the image be looked at different ways?

What meanings are conveyed by design choices?

The Volkswagen was built in Germany in 1938.  Volks means people and wagen means car, therefore the English translation is “people’s car”.  The letters VW were put in a circle design and signify the automobile maker “Volkswagen”.   


Serafini, Frank.  (2014).  Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy.  Teachers College Press:  New York, New York.